"Constantly choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil." ~Jerry Garcia
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pot, X, and shrooms

much thanks to the vaults of erowid!!


Negative effects can include paranoia, dry mouth, respiratory problems and nervousness/racing heart. Other effects may be negative or inconvenient in certain settings or situations including reduced ability to concentrate, impaired memory, tiredness, and confusion. Side effects tend to increase with lifetime use: as users age, they often report the anxiety-producing and uncomfortable effects increase and the euphoria decreases.

Mental Illness:
Several studies have indicated that cannabis use (like many other strong psychoactives) can precipitate neuroses or psychoses in those who are already at risk. Studies have also shown that cannabis use does not appear to increase the risk of psychosis in otherwise healthy individuals.

The Experience
The primary effects sought by those using cannabis recreationally are euphoria, relaxation, and changes in perception. Effects vary depending on dosage, with effects at low doses including a sense of well-being, mild enhancement of senses (smell, taste, hearing), subtle changes in thought and expression, talkativeness, giggling, increased appreciation of music, increased appetite, and mild closed-eye visuals. At higher doses, visuals may become more prominent, sense of time is altered, attention span and memory are frequently affected, and thought processes and mental perception may be significantly altered.



  • extreme mood lift
  • increased willingness to communicate
  • increase in energy (stimulation)
  • ego softening
  • feelings of comfort, belonging, and closeness to others
  • feelings of love and empathy
  • forgiveness
  • increased awareness & appreciation of music
  • increased awareness of senses. (eating, drinking, smell)
  • profound life-changing spiritual experiences
  • neurotically based fear dissolution
  • sensations bright and intense
  • urge to hug and kiss people

  • appetite loss
  • visual distortion
  • rapid, involuntary eye jiggling (nystagmus)
  • mild visual hallucinations (uncommon)
  • moderately increased heart rate and blood pressure (increases with dose)
  • restlessness, nervousness, shivering
  • change in body temperature regulation
  • strong desire to do or want more when coming down

  • NEGATIVE (see the MDMA Side Effects Profile)
    (negative side effects increase with higher doses and frequent use)

  • inappropriate and/or unintended emotional bonding
  • tendency to say things you might feel uncomfortable about later
  • mild to extreme jaw clenching (trisma), tongue and cheek chewing, and teeth grinding (bruxia)
  • difficulty concentrating & problems with activities requiring linear focus
  • short-term memory scramble or loss & confusion
  • muscle tension
  • erectile disfunction and difficulty reaching orgasm
  • increase in body temperature, hyperthermia, dehydration (drink water)
  • hyponatremia (don't drink too much water)
  • nausea and vomiting
  • headaches, dizziness, loss of balance, and vertigo
  • post-trip Crash - unpleasantly harsh comedown from the peak effect
  • hangover the next day, lasting days to weeks
  • mild depression and fatigue for up to a week
  • severe depression and/or fatigue (uncommon)
  • possible strong urge to repeat the experience, though not physically addictive
  • possible psychological crisis requiring hospitalization (psychotic episodes, severe panic attacks, etc) (rare)
  • possible liver toxicity (rare)
  • possible neurotoxicity (controversial)
  • small risk of death. Approximately 2 per 100,000 users have extreme negative reactions resulting in death. (rare)

    Onset 5-60 minutes
    Coming Up 5-30 minutes
    Plateau 1-3 hours
    Coming Down .5-3 hours
    After Effects 0-6 hours

    The Experience
    In the beginning stages of onset, Mushrooms are likely to cause a sort of undefineable feeling similar to anticipation or anxiety. There may be a feeling of energy in the body, and the sense that things are different than usual. As the effects intensify, a wide variety of perceptual changes may occur; pupil dilation, visuals, mental stimulation, new perspectives, feelings of insight, quickly changing emotions (lots of laughter), possible paranoia and confusion. More advanced users may seek spiritual awareness or a sense of universal understanding through their use of mushrooms. Closed-eye visuals are extremely common with psilocybin mushrooms. Open-eye visuals are common for some people and are more likely at higher doses.

    Threshold Effects : (from .25gm - .75gms P. Cubensis)
    Slight cold feeling, mild gas or nausea, nervous-feeling, slight pupil-dilation, mild visual changes including lights seeming brighter, lights having a 'starry' look, and noticing movement at the periphery of vision, giddiness, feeling more emotionally sensitive, and many other effects related to a change in neurochemistry.

    Medium Effects : (0.75gm - 2.5gms P. Cubensis)
    'Cold' feeling, gas and/or stomach discomfort, nausea, pupil-dilation, open-eye visual effects: lights gain auras, star-pattern effects, rainbowing around lighting, lights seem brighter, often 'more beautiful', notice movement in periphery, sometimes increased ability to focus, sometimes reduced ability to focus, visual field 'distracting', visual field 'entertaining', closed eye 'visuals': normal closed eye 'blobs' take on patterns, shapes, distinct forms, increased ability to visualize creatively, spontaneous detailed images, feelings of time-dilation, feelings of `coming home again' which is often more pronounced for those who have used mushrooms before, feelings of belonging and connection, increased emotional sensitivity, increased ability to focus on emotional problems or memories, chance of becoming 'caught in a loop' thinking / dwelling on a single thought or feeling (usually negative or painful), realizations about past feelings, realizations about how to live, gain a new perspective on current lifestyle and behaviors, feelings of connection with those around you, noticing things which are normally ignored or taken for granted, feelings of wonder, spirit, joy, sadness, despair, religious awakening, contentment and possibly latent psychological crises can come out..

    High Dose Effects : (2.5gm - 10gms)
    All of the Medium Effects, usually with a significantly more uncomfortable Coming Up, more pronounced nausea sometimes (rarely) resulting in vomiting, sometimes significant mental discomfort associated with feelings of fear and often times accompanying a "what have I done to myself" or "how far am I going" thought, the unpleasant Coming Up effects usually lessen with familiarity and more knowledge about the safety and character of mushroom effects. High Dose Effects are usually characterized by the closed eye visualizations being significantly more elaborate and enfolding, religious revelation, spiritual awakening, near death experiences, loss of self, talking to seemingly external, autonomous entities, extreme emotional responses, repressed memories coming to life, latent psychological crises can come to the surface, intense feelings of wonder, connection, joy, fear. High Dose Effects can also include extreme time-dilation, with experiences of wall-clock minutes taking an experientially large amount of time, watching clocks or digital counters where the seconds seem to take minutes to count off. One of the most interesting effects is the feeling of awakening for the first time ever from a previous state of sleep, of liberation from what is now seen as a life-long state of bondage. Paradoxically, it is this new awareness which feels normal and natural and the previous fog which is seen to have been unreal all along. The bemushroomed seeker is convinced that, once gained, this awareness is impossible to lose, but inexplicably by the next day it is just a memory.


    legal disclaimer- if you do drugs and get caught (or die), don't come crying to me. i'm not technically encouraging you to do them, just providing information and/or insight about them...